Friday, 3 August 2012




WHEREAS Nigeria is well endowed with vast human and natural resources sufficient to provide a life of comfort and abundance for a population many times her current size.

CONCERNED that in sharp contradiction to the above, majority of Nigerians still live in conditions of abject poverty with regular electricity supply a luxury; more than half of the roads unmotorable; millions living in shanty houses and slums; over 100 million of an estimated population of 170 million considered poor; millions of children not in school and over 28 million youths unemployed.

SADDENED by the high level of poverty, illiteracy, low life expectancy, maternal and infant mortality, hunger, homelessness, joblessness, underdevelopment, poor health service delivery, oppression of women, child labour, slave and casual labour, environmental ruin as well as ethnic and religious conflicts that presently characterize Nigeria.

CONVINCED that a new and better Nigeria where poverty amidst plenty does not exist and where the Nation's vast human and natural resources are democratically planned and used for the betterment of all is possible.

AWARE that this new and better Nigeria so much desired by vast majority of Nigerians is achievable only through a democratic socialist government which can only materialize through the coming to power of a political party that genuinely represents the interests of the Nigerian people.

COMMITTED to building the Socialist Party of Nigeria (SPN) as a genuine party of the Nigerian people in order to make possible another Nigeria that guarantees equity and justice as well as a life of happiness and fulfillment for all, where every citizens will have equality of rights, obligations and opportunities before the law and the sanctity of the human person shall be recognised and human dignity shall be maintained and enhanced.

We members of the Socialist Party of Nigeria (SPN) hereby enact and give to ourselves the following Constitution.

(i)         This constitution is the guiding principles of the Socialist Party of Nigeria
(ii) All members, officials and organs shall derive their powers from this constitution.
(iii) This constitution shall guide all party affairs and activities and all members shall carry out their duties in line with the letters and spirit of this constitution.

The name of the party shall be known as “Socialist Party of Nigeria” and abbreviated as SPN.

The motto of the party shall be “Beaming Socialist Light on Capitalist darkness”

The logo of the party shall be a light illuminating for the darkness to give way.
The logo signifies sustainable development, advancement and industrialisation in replacement for backwardness and underdevelopment. 

The flag of the party shall be a green, white and red. The logo of the party on the green colour with the Socialist Party of Nigeria on the white and red colour.

The registered national office of the party shall be at No. 42 Adetokunbo Ademola Street Wuse II Abuja.

The aims and objectives of the party are:
a.         To encourage free mobility of people, goods and services throughout the    federation through provision of adequate facilities and infrastructure.
b.         To secure full residence rights for every citizen in all parts of the Federation
c.         To fight corruption by abolishing all forms of corrupt practices and abuse of power
d.         To harness the resources of the nation and promote national prosperity and an efficient, dynamic and self-reliant economy.
e.         To democratically control the national economy in such a manner as to secure the maximum welfare, freedom and happiness of every citizen on the basis of social justice and equality of status and opportunity.
f.          To promote through pro-people economic policies as opposed to pro-profit             policies a planned and balanced economic development that can ensure the             material resources of the nation are harnessed and distributed as best as possible to serve the common good of the people.
g.         To ensure through the implementation of the twin socialist policies of public ownership of the commanding heights of the economy and their democratic control and management by the people that the economic system of our nation is not operated in such a manner as to permit the concentration of wealth or the means of production and exchange in the           hands of few individuals or of a group.
h.         To ensure that suitable and adequate shelter as well as affordable and adequate food are provided for the people
i.          To ensure that a national minimum living wage is paid to workers while the aged, the pensioners, the unemployed, the sick and the disabled are paid reasonable social benefits.
j.          To ensure a Nigeria where every citizen shall have equality of rights, obligations and opportunities before the law; where the sanctity of the human person shall be recognized and human dignity maintained and enhanced; where government actions shall be humane; where exploitation of human or natural resources in any form whatsoever for reasons other than the good of the community shall be prevented; and the independence, impartiality and integrity of courts of law, and easy accessibility thereto             shall be secured and maintained.

The membership of the party shall be open to all Nigerian citizens irrespective of their religion, ethnicity, gender and social-economic status provided that:-
            a.  The person is 18 years of age and above.
            b.  The person does not belong to any other political party

a.         Every member shall fill a prescribed membership application form and pay membership fee as the National Executive Committee (NEC) shall fix from time to time.
b.         Every member shall complete a membership form and be issued a membership card, which shall indicate other details including monthly subscriptions.
c.         Application for membership shall be made to a local branch or National      Secretariat.

a.         Every member of the party shall respect the views of other members and    adhere strictly to the principle of equality of all members irrespective of           their religion, ethnicity, gender, social and economic status.
b.         Every member shall pay his/her monthly membership subscription as                       prescribed by NEC from time-to-time.
c.         Members shall participate in Party activities, including attending meetings.
d.         Every member is expected to abide by and work towards the                                   accomplishment of the aims and objectives of the party
e.         No member shall engage in anti-party activities and those that can put the   party in disrepute.
f.          Every member shall subject himself or herself to party decision. All members are bound to adhere strictly to all democratically reached decisions and resolutions and must jointly strive to implement them even if he, she or they were in minority when the decision was reached.
g.         No member shall personally profit from any Party or elected position. All   Party members elected to positions shall regularly publish accounts of how they dispose of their income, including salaries and expenses, from such     positions

Every member shall have the right to:
a.         Participate fully in the determination of the policies, principles, programmes and strategies of the party.
b.         Express their opinions and campaign for their views within the structures of the party, including having right of access to Members' Bulletin.
c.         Further canvass his/her position amongst members and party structures with the aim of reversing an existing majority decision; however until that is achieved, members with a minority decision will participate in implementing majority decisions.
d.         Fair hearing; whenever there are matters of contention and controversy, the NEC and other democratically constituted leadership organs shall ensure that all views are heard, read and debated by members, including in the run-up to a National Congress.
e.         Vote and be voted for into elective posts, in any organ of the party, subject to        guidelines by the NEC or any organ so designated.
f.          Stand for election to public political offices subject to the approved guidelines by the NEC of the party for determining the party's candidates for elections.
g.         Participate in the political education of the party necessary for preparing them for responsibilities in the party and the nation.

a.         Ward Executive Committee (WEC)
b.         Ward Congress
c.         Local Government Area Executive Committee (LEC)
d.         Local Government Congress
e.         State Executive Committee (SEC)
f.          State Congress
g.         National Executive Committee (NEC)
h.         National Congress.

The Ward Committee shall be elected, once in every two years, at the Ward Congress and shall be composed as follows:
a.         Chairperson
b.         Deputy Chairperson
c.         Secretary
d.         Treasurer
e.         Financial secretary
f.          Youth Leader
g.         Ex-officio member

The Ward Executive Committee shall meet at least once every month.

a.         To organize Ward Congress and implement its decisions.
b.         To propose policies/resolutions for the consideration of the Ward Congress.
c.         To undertake membership drive, promote and implement programmes and manifesto of the Party
d.         To implement the political education programme of the Party.
e.         Evaluate and periodically monitor the performance and activities of the elected officials at the local government level.
f.          To take any other actions in the interest of the Party.
g.         To organize ward meetings at least once in a month as well as emergency    meetings when necessary.
h.         Where the Chairperson fails to call a meeting for more than one month, simple majority of the entire WEC members can call a meeting with one of them elected to chair the meeting.
i.          Where WEC or its members fail to call a meeting for more than 2 months, simple majority of the entire active members can convoke a meeting with one of them elected to chair the meeting. Resolution(s) reached at the meeting shall be deemed to be reached by the WEC.
J.          To take disciplinary measures against erring members of the party at the ward level in accordance with laid down procedures as spelt out in Article 17 of this constitution.   

There shall be Ward Congress once in every 2 years.
a.         All members of the party in the ward shall be delegates at the ward                                     congress except:
            (1) members who are in arrears of dues for more than three months and
            (2) members who have stopped participating in party activities for more than three months.
b.         All members of the Ward Executive Committee.

a.         To elect members of the Ward Executive Committee.
b.         To elect delegates to the LGA and State Congresses of the Party.
c.         To elect the Party's candidate for councillorship elections on the basis of the Party's guidelines.
d.         To audit the ward's financial statements.
e.         To consider disciplinary measures to be taken against any erring member.
f.          Take any other action in the best interest of the Party in the Ward.
g.         To consider and approve the Ward Executive Committee's Report, the                    Financial and the Auditor's Reports.
h.         To receive and evaluate performance report of the Councilor representing   the Ward and other elected local government officials.

Local Government LGA Executive Committee

The LGA Executive Committee shall comprise the following officers and ex-officio members:
a.         Chairperson
b.         Deputy Chairperson.
c.         Secretary
d.         Treasurer
e.         Financial Secretary
f.          Research and Documentation officer
g.         Youth Leader
h.         One Ex-officio member

The LGA Executive Committee shall meet at least once every month.

a.         To organize the LGA Congress and implement its decisions.
b.         To propose policies/resolutions for the consideration of the LGA Congress.
c.         To undertake membership drive and promote the policies, program and manifesto of the Party.
d.         To execute the programmes and implement policies of the party in the local            government area.
e.         To oversee and run the activities of the party at the LGA on a day-to-day basis.
f.          To issue rules and regulations for the Party administration in the LGA                    including  coordination of the activities of the Ward Executive Committee.
g.         To undertake any other activity or measure in the best interest of the Party in the LGA, including disciplinary actions on erring members.
h.         To receive and periodically evaluate the activities of the elected members of the Party in the Local Government Authority.
I.          To organize local government general meetings at least 6 times in a year.
j.          Where the chairperson fails to call a meeting for more than two months,      simple majority of the entire LEC members can call a meeting and one of          the attendees elected to chair the meeting.
k.         Where the entire LEC members fail to call meeting for more than 3 months, a simple majority of active WEC can convoke a meeting where the       chairpersons and secretaries can attend with one of them elected to chair the             meeting. Resolution(s) reached at the meeting shall be deemed to be reached by the LEC.
l. To take disciplinary action against erring members who engage in anti-party activities after fair hearing have been extended to such members with the caveat that every person so disciplined shall have right of appeal to LGA Congress or higher levels of the party structure. Disciplinary measures against erring members of the party must follow laid down procedures as spelt out in Article 17 of this constitution.   

Every Local Government Area shall hold Biennial Congress.

Composition of the LGA Congress
a.         All members of the Local Executive Committee.
b.         Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson and all elective government officers of the Local Government produced by the Party.
c.         Delegates elected by the Congress of each Ward within the LGA. Delegates in this instance shall be proportional to the numerical strength of the wardsbased on active members.
d.         The LGA Executive Committee shall come up with the number of delegates to represent each ward based on their numerical strength and activities.
e.         The ratio of delegate to active members for a ward shall not be less than one to five.

a.         To elect members of LGA Executive Committee.
b.         To elect delegates to the State Congresses of the Party.
c.         To ratify or repeal disciplinary measures taken by the LGA Executive                     Committee.
d.         To elect the party's candidates for chairperson of the LGA and the deputy on the basis of the party guidelines
e.         To approve Party's tactics, activities, policies and programme for the LGA for the next two years, without usurping the roles of other structures and organs of the party
f.          To consider and approve Local Government Executive Committee Report, the Financial Report and the Auditor's Report.
g.         To receive and evaluate the activities of the government of an LGA.
h.         To review and evaluate the activities of the elected councilors and/or chairperson under the party's banner in the local government area.

Composition of the State Executive Committee

The State Executive Committee shall comprise of:-
a.         Chairperson
b.         Deputy Chairperson.
c.         Secretary
d.         Treasurer
e.         Financial Secretary
f.          Research and Documentation officer
g.         Publicity Secretary
h.         Legal Adviser
I.          Auditor
j.          Youth Leader
k.         Women Leader
l.          One Ex-officio

a.         The State Executive Committee shall meet at least once every month.
b.         The State Executive Committee shall convoke general meeting of the party at state level at least twice in a year. Where SEC meeting could not hold as prescribed above, simple majority of the active local government Executive Committees can convoke a general meeting and any decision taken at such meeting(s) shall be deemed to have been reached by SEC.
c.         To coordinate the activities of all organs of the Party in the state and ensure their viability.
d.         To organize the Party's election campaigns.
e.         To promote the party's policy, execute programmes and manifesto and implement the education programme of the party.
f.          To implement the decisions, resolution and directives of the State Congress,           National Executive Council and the National Convention.
g.         To consider the report of the State Working Committee, the Financial and the Auditor's reports and approve the budget for the state.
h.         To receive and periodically evaluate and monitor the performance and activities of the state government if produced by the party.
i.          To take disciplinary action against erring members who engage in anti-party activities after fair hearing have been extended to such members with the caveat that every person so disciplined shall have right of appeal to the             State Congress or National Executive Committee (NEC). Disciplinary measures against erring members of the party must follow laid down procedures as spelt out in Article 17 of this constitution.   

Every State shall hold state congress once every three years.

Composition of the State Congress
a.         All members of the State Executive Council of the party.
b.         The Governor and the Deputy Governor, National or State Assembly members elected on the Party's platform.
c.         Delegates elected by the Congress of each LGA within the state. Delegates in this instance shall be proportional to the numerical strength of the LGA. SEC shall come up with the number of delegates to represent each LGA       based on their numerical strength and activities.

a.         To elect delegates to the National Congress of the Party.
b.         To consider the reports of the State Executive Committee including the                  financial and auditor's reports.
c.         To ratify or repeal disciplinary action taken against Party members in the    State while any member so dissatisfied of the decision shall have the right of appeal to the National Executive Committee and National Congress.
d.         Elect the governorship, State Assembly and National Assembly candidates of the Party in the state on the basis of the party's guidelines.
e.         To approve the Party's programme to be put to the electorate for elections.
f.          To take any other decision in the best interest of the party in the state.
g.         To receive and evaluate the performance of the state government if elected            under banner of SPN.

The National Executive Council shall comprise of:-
a.         National Chairperson
b.         National Deputy Chairpersons representing Nigeria’s Geo-political zones.
c.         National Secretary
d.         National Treasurer
e.         National Financial Secretary
f.          National Publicity Secretary
g.         National Legal Adviser
h.         National Auditor
i.          National Youth Leader
j.          National Women Leader
k.         2 Ex-officio members.

The NEC shall:
a.         Be responsible for developing and overseeing the party's policies and programme and implementing the decisions of the National Congress.
b.         Establish close liaison between the various state branches and other structures of the party.
c.         Prepare the agenda and organize the national congress as and when due
d.         Prepare and submit reports and recommendations for the consideration of the National Congress.
e.         Prepare draft policies and programmes for the consideration of the National           Congress.
f.          Resolve disputes and other matters referred to it by lower organs of the party.
g.         Make rules on party discipline and loyalty
h.         Have the powers to decide on and convene Special National Congress and             other Special Congresses of the other party structure.
i.          Employ and determine the conditions of service of the workers at the national level.
j.          Monitor, guide and supervise the lower organs of the party.
k.         To take disciplinary action against erring members who engage in anti-party activities including expulsion after fair hearing have been extended to such members with the caveat that every person so disciplined shall have right of appeal to the National Congress. Disciplinary measures against erring members of the party must follow laid down procedures as spelt out in Article 17 of this constitution.   
l.          Organize NEC meetings at least twice in a year. Where the National Secretary fails to call meetings as specified, a simple majority of the entire NEC members can call a meeting with one of them elected to chair the meeting. Where the NEC fails to call meeting, simple majority of all active             State Executive Committees can convoke meeting and decision taken shall be deemed to have been reached by NEC

The National Congress shall hold once every 4 years.

a.         The president and Vice President of Nigeria elected on the party's platform.
b.         The Senate President and Deputy; the Speaker and Deputy and any other   principal legislative official(s) elected on the Party's platform
c.         Delegates elected by the congress of each state within the Federation                     including Abuja. The NWC shall determine the number of delegates to                  represent each State based on their numerical strength and activities.

(15)  Functions/Powers of the National Congress
a.         To determine the core policies and programmes of the party.
b.         To receive reports and recommendations from the National Executive                     Committee and take decisions on them.
c.         To delegate any of its functions and power to the National Executive                     Committee or any other organ of the party.
d.         To elect National Officers of the Party and constitute the National Executive Committee. To elect the Party's Presidential candidate and his running mate on the basis of the Party's guidelines.
e.         To amend the constitution of the party.
f.          To exercise such other powers and functions as provided by the constitution.
g.         To undertake, endorse or repeal disciplinary actions against members.

Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous sections there shall be Special National Congresses to address specific issues concerning the party whenever the need arises. These Special Congresses shall be called by NEC.


1.         The National Chairperson
            a.         He/she shall preside over all meetings of the National Executive Committee.
            b.         He/she shall supervise, control and manage the Secretariat and all NEC elected office holders in the performance of their duties and exercise of their powers;
            c.         He/she shall ensure and supervise the implementation of the Party   vision, mandate and Congress resolutions;
            d.         He/she shall approve all expenditures and shall be a signatory to the party's bank account(s).

2.         National Deputy Chairpersons
            a.         There shall be one National Deputy Chairpersons representing each of the geo-political zones in Nigeria. A person to be elected must be an indigene in one of the states that make up the zone.
            b.   The National Deputy Chairpersons shall coordinate party activities in their respective zones on behalf of NEC
            c.    In the absence of the National Chairpersons, one of the National Deputy Chairpersons shall be elected by the National Executive Committee to act.
            d.  They shall carry out such other functions such as may be assigned to them by National Chairperson or NEC.

3.         National Secretary
            a.         He/she shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the party and shall be in charge of the day to day running of the affairs of the party and its correspondence.
            b.   He/she shall convene the NEC and Secretariat meetings in consultation with the Chairperson as required by the Constitution.
            c.   He/she shall keep an up-to-date register of all members, structures and committees of the Party, including the minutes of all national meeting.

4.         National Treasurer
            a.         He/she shall be responsible for the proper administration of the party's finances.
            b.         He/she shall be one of the signatories to the party's bank account(s).
            c.         He/she shall prepare the annual financial report of the Party including compilation of the party's assets and liabilities and make same available          to Party and INEC from time to time.

5.         Financial Secretary
            a.         He/she shall be responsible for proper record keeping of party finances
            b.         He/she shall generally assist the National Treasurer.

6.         National Publicity Secretary
            a.         He/she shall be responsible for preparing press releases and organizing press briefings/conferences for the party.
            b.         He/she shall be responsible for the publicity of the party and its activities.
            c.         He/she shall be responsible for the production and publication of party literature, bulletins, newspapers, etc.

7.    National Legal Adviser
            a.         He/she shall be a legal practitioner.
            b.         He/she shall render legal advice to the party.

8.         National Auditor
            a.         He/she shall be responsible for proper and accurate auditing of the party's finances.
            b.         He/she shall submit annual audited report to the NEC.


The functions of officers of the party at other levels (Ward, LGA and State) shall derive from that of the National.

a.         All National Officers of the party shall hold office for a period of four (4) years and shall be eligible for re-election for not more than one additional       term
b.         All State Officers of the party shall hold office for a period of Three (3) years and shall be eligible for re-election for not more than one additional       term
c.         All Local Government officers of the party shall hold office for a period of three (3) years and shall be eligible for re-election for not more than one             additional term
d.         All Ward Officers of the party shall hold office for a period of two (2) years and shall be eligible for re-election for not more than one additional term

In the event of vacancy in any party office at national, state, local and ward levels arising from either removal, ill-health and or incapacitation of any kind, the National Executive Committee (NEC), State Executive Committee (SEC), Local Government Executive Committee and the Ward Executive Committee of the party at the respective levels shall appoint a member of the party in acting capacity pending the next congress.

e.         Any member of party who violates decisions of the Party, breach the Party's constitution or whose conduct or actions are contrary to or damaging to the objectives of the party shall be subject to disciplinary action.
f.          In exercising disciplinary control, every structure of the party shall rely in   the first instance on persuasion while punitive measures shall be the last resort.
g.         A member against whom an allegation has been made shall be given a written notice by the respective party structures on the nature of the allegation against him or her while a reasonable time period not exceeding one month must be given such a member to respond to the allegation(s).
h.         Where a member who is under disciplinary action fails to respond to the     allegation within a reasonable time not exceeding two weeks, it shall be deemed an acceptance of guilt.
i.          Where a member is found guilty of misconduct by a simple majority of the Ward, Local Government, State Executive Committee or NEC, he or she shall either be suspended for duration not more than 6 months or expelled. If suspended, the member concerned shall write a letter of apology after     expiration of the suspension assuring that such action that necessitated the disciplinary action will not repeat itself and satisfied, he or she shall be readmitted after review.
j.          As the last resort, expulsion shall be endorsed by a decision supported by a simple majority of the Ward, Local Government, State Executive   Committee or NEC leadership.
k.         Any member subject to any disciplinary action shall have the right of appeal to higher structures of the party up to the National Congress. The disciplinary action shall meantime remain in full effect pending the result of the appeal.

a.         All members who stand for public office shall act in accordance with the    policies, programmes and decisions of the party.
b.         Every public office holders shall only take the wage of a skilled civil servant based on the existing civil service wage structure. NEC shall determine the salary and allowance to be received by public office holders from time-to-time. Any excess shall be donated to the party to aid party work, assist the struggles of the working people or shall be disbursed in a manner decided by the NEC or Congress.
c.         Every elected public officer of the Party can be summoned to appear before party structure by simple majority of meetings/congresses or by special            emergency meeting/congress provided one month written notice and explanation is given in advance. The Ward leadership can summon councilors, the LGA leadership can summon Chairmen, deputy chairmen and Councilors; SEC can summon state legislators, Governors, deputy           governors and public officers of the local government council; NEC can summon all public office holders at all level including elected President, Vice President and federal legislators. Where it is impracticable for the elected public officer to appear within one month, additional period as deem fit shall be given to the officer or option to send a written response.         Where the response is not clear enough or satisfactory, the officer must       appear in person within a period that will not exceed additional one month.

One third of all eligible delegates to the various Congresses shall form the quorum. One third of eligible members of all party structures' meetings form the quorum.

Voting in all meetings shall be by:
a.   Show of hands
b.  Secret ballot if demanded by simple majority of all eligible members at the  meeting.

a.          Income: the funds of the party shall be derived from:-
            i.          Monthly dues or subscription as the NEC of the party may decide   from    time to time.
            ii.   Donations and public collection proceeds from investments and special fund raising from members and supporters.
            iii.        Levies

b.         Distribution of Funds: Monthly membership dues shall be distributed as follows:-
             i.         Ward - 15%
             ii.    LGA - 20%
             iii.  State - 25%
             iv.  National - 40%

c.         Bank Accounts

            i.          The party shall maintain bank accounts at National, State, Local Government and Ward levels of the party.
            ii.         The Executive Committees of the various levels of Party shall decide the banks for such accounts.
            iii.        Any two of the following officers of the party, one of whom shall be the chairperson, shall be valid signatories to the party's bank accounts and other financial transaction:-
            The National Chairperson at the national level; chairpersons in the State, LGA and Ward levels.
            The National Treasurer at the national level; treasurers  in the State, LGA   and Ward levels.

The following standing orders shall guide the conduct of all meetings of the party.

(a)        The following basic agenda shall be observed at meetings:-
            i)         Apologies for non-attendance if duly tendered.
            ii)         Minutes of last meeting and any matters arising from it.
            iii)        Matters arising from party activities
            iv)        Reports
            v)         Campaigns and interventions
            vi)        Finance
            vii)       AOB

(b)        No member shall speak more than once on the same issue unless other members who intend to express their opinion on the same issue have had an opportunity to do so.
(c)        Discussion shall be limited to the immediate question at issue. The chairperson may call to order any member who introduces any matter not relevant to the question at hand.
(d)       If after sufficient discussion on any issue at a meeting, there appears to be no consensus, the chairperson shall put the issue to vote.
(e)        Every decision of the party shall be arrived at by a simple majority of eligible members present and voting.
(f)        A point of order may be raised by any member and must be heard at all times except during the act of voting and the point of order shall be a means of      regulating the conduct or procedure of the meeting with particular reference         to such matters as decorum, violation of standing orders and the introduction of matters not relevant to the issue under discussion.
(g)        The chairperson shall rule on any point of order. His/her ruling could only   be reversed by a simple majority of eligible members present and voting.
(h)        Every member shall abide by all decisions of the party until they are altered, provided that any member may call for a review of any decision, of members at any subsequent meeting. Minority member or members must             implement every decision but can seek to upturn such decision or resolution           through either subsequent meeting or higher party structure.
(i)         Elected members of all leadership structures are entitled to notice of leadership meetings except where he or she is suspended or expelled.
(j)         The Party would be deemed to have a functional branch in a state, LGA and Ward if it has at least 2 members among whom shall be either interim or substantially elected Chairperson and Secretary. These two officers of the Party could become the springboard to more members and officers.
(k)        Party actions and activities could be carried out through committees set up by the organs or the general meetings at all levels. Committees are only to work within a specified time limit and with a mandate.

(i)         The National Congress of the Party shall have the sole right of amending   any provision of this Constitution based on a majority vote, provided that         the amendment does not contravene any of the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and shall be registered in the principal offices of INEC within 30 days.
(ii)        Such amendment(s) must be communicated in writing to NEC members at least 3 months to a National Congress.
(iii)  NEC must circulate the proposed constitutional amendments to all SEC for discussion at least 2 months to the National Congress.

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